Wednesday, August 14, 2019

The Tesla Effect

A wise person has said "'Those who do not learn from the history are doomed to repeat it.'.

1996, it was amazon. 
The Wall Street Journal, Barron's and all the pundits of stock market abused Jeff Bezos' vision, focus on the customer value and his conviction. 

2019, the word shopping is replaced by Amazon.
There has been many of those "online shopping platforms" attempting to mimic amazon. 
Amazon's AWS created a brand new industry of cloud services. 

This is what we may call "The Amazon Effect". 

2003, it was Tesla. 
The history is repeated. 
The computer on the wheels was yet another talk of the town. 
Many times with disbelief and perceived failures. 

March 31, 2016
Model 3 received 325,000 reservations.

July 28, 2017, First Model 3 were delivered. 
Yet it was many many months behind.
The promised 35K vehicle was still not in sight. 
Many continued with the disbelief and perceived failures. 

2018: Tesla's Model 3 became the most sold electric car with 139,782 units delivered.

Then it all changed, the history repeated itself, again. 

August 06,2019
Jay Leno says: ‘There’s almost no reason to have a gas car’

August 08, 2019
Ford CEO brags about Electric F-150 to be ultimate disruptor.

August 19, 2019
CNN Reports: - The great electric car race is just beginning

Tesla legitimized the electric car as a superior choice over ICE vehicles. 
Tesla established, that it is smarter, cost effective and responsible to own an electric.

The history repeated, again. Tesla replaced the word "Electric Car". 
Tesla changed the conversation from - This is will never work .... TO ....
We will beat Tesla ... 

THIS, is Tesla Effect. 


  1. Why is it called the Tesla effect? My history professor taught me that, "history doesn't repeat itself; it rhymes."

    Excellent point, though. I am still wondering why according to the News/Media, Tesla is apparently not reporting so hot right now.

