Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Collection of elating and uplifting speeches

I love TED and all similar sources of quality, informational, educational and uplifting speeches. This is a collection I prepared as my miniscule contribution for two amazing non-profits in India (Mumbai and Ahmedabad) whose missions are to provide underprivileged an opportunity to excel.

Innovations in Education:

Hole in the wall: Concept of self teaching.
An amazing successful experiment by Prof Sugata Mitra

The father of MOOC (Massively Open Online Courses) - Salman Khan
Let's use video to reinvent education

Are we afraid of being wrong ?
An 18 min entertaining speech  by Sir Ken Robinson.

Introduction of the book: The Element: 24 min Video

The Tinkering School: 5 Min TED.
This has spread in six major cities in US, as of June 2013.


Arunachalam Muruganantham: The first man to wear a sanitary napkin

How laws and government compliment or deter innovations:
18 min Video by Lawrence Lessig

US and Democracy:

Lawrence Lessig: We the People, and the Republic we must reclaim

Stay tuned .. for more ...

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